

My name is Courtenay and I’m a 25-year-old Kent girl, who lives in Hertfordshire but works in London.

I am a complete and utter shopaholic, with too many clothes and a floor-drobe that won’t stop growing! I have an unhealthy obsession with Instagram, coffee and all things stripe (as I’m sure you can see from the photo above)! I also have a pet Hedgehog called Pickles, who I’m sure will make an appearance every now and again!

Anyway, with my confessions out of the way…let me tell you a little bit about the blog, too.

Some of the closest people in my life have been encouraging me to start blogging for too long now and finally, I have decided to bite the bullet and get stuck into the bloggersphere!

This space is a platform for me to share anything and everything with you; whether that’s what I wear, what I’m doing or where I’ve been jetting off to…but in each case, I hope it’s something that you’ll love!

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